Costume & Wardrobe Leader

My time working as the Costume & Wardrobe Leader of the CDNIS Drama Production of Legally Blonde: The Musical

Poster Designs

A collection of different posters created for a variety of courses, clubs, and club events.

Senior Editor - Yearbook

A selection of the pages I worked on throughout my years as senior editor on the CDNIS yearbook.

A Sunday on the Internet

A Sunday on the Internet is a pastiche painting, based on George Seurat's A Sunday on La Grande Jatte, however with a modern technological twist.

Dear Diary

Dear Diary is an art piece made from a single sheet of black paper. It is a paper cut of an old personal diary entry.

Self Portrait

Self Portrait is a 2 ft by 6 ft life-sized acrylic painting of myself aimed to be a grand showcase of my technical painting skills.

Some Things You Don't Forget

Some Things You Don't Forget is the title of a multimedia creative writing piece that features three short written works surrounding the theme of Mixed Emotions, accompanied by videos and photos.

What I Wish I Could Say

What I Wish I Could Say is an art piece that features the embroidery of text on linen canvas. It plays on the idea of the differences between what we say and what we think.

The Look

The Look is an appropriation film pieces that takes some of the most famous romantic kisses from films and combines the moments of anticipation before the kiss whilst stripping them from their musical soundtrack, flipping the expectations common to the romance genre of Hollywood films.